... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Essential Life Skills

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Good life skills are essential to living a good, effective a fulfilling life. And yet in most cultures, the learning of those life skills is left to chance – particularly in more affluent cultures where parenting is becoming less and less of a “thing”. But God … His Word is full of wisdom when it comes to those essential life skills.

So join Berni Dymet in this series of Christianityworks as he opens God’s Word, to discover the essential life skills that God wants to grow, in your life.

Episode 1. Growing in Maturity in Christ

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When it comes to developing the life skills that we really need, the life skills that are going to lead to a much, much better life, there is none more important, than maturity. But what exactly is …

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Episode 2. Right and Wrong Ambitions

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So let me ask you, is ambition right, or wrong? I mean is it okay to be ambitious, or, if you believe in Jesus, is ambition something that you need to give up? As things turn out, it’s not ambition …

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Episode 3. Putting Others First

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If only you and I could always come first. You know, be numero uno in this world. But as much as that’s our desire sometimes, Jesus doesn’t give us that option. Because in order to be first, …

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Episode 4. The Goodness To Which You Are Called

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The world is full of good and of evil. You and I, we’re called to live a life of good. A life that honours God. But what we need, are the life skills to allow us to do that. Fortunately God has …

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Rob Messmer

Praise God for you (well he did make you after all). Your gift Berni is spoken with such clarity I am left with no excuse, I need to sacrifice and endure through it.
Thank you