... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Dealing with Loneliness

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Sometimes it seems the more people we have around us, the lonelier we feel. Loneliness is running at epidemic proportions around the world. And it can strike when we least expect it. So what do you do, how do you cope? Can any good come out of it? Join Berni Dymet as he looks at dealing with loneliness, from A Different Perspective.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. The Anatomy of Loneliness

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Loneliness. When we experience it, it’s as though we’re the only one on the planet that’s lonely. I guess that’s the definition of it because we feel all alone. But the truth is, that …

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Episode 2. Enjoying Your Own Company

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Loneliness isn’t an easy thing to deal with when it strikes. When we’re all alone, it seems as though there are no answers, no solutions. But actually, nothing could be further from the truth. …

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Episode 3. Enjoying God's Company

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When loneliness strikes, it can be the bleakest, darkest, most inhospitable place on the planet … in the universe! And if you’ve experienced loneliness, you’ll know what I mean. But in that …

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Episode 4. Reaching Out

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When we’re going through a lonely patch in life, the most common response is – introspection. We withdraw into ourselves and have a pity party about how terrible things are. Well, as it turns …

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Episode 5. A Lonely Man Called Paul

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There’s nothing like sharing in someone else’s loneliness to get a handle on overcoming your own loneliness. And today, we’re going to meet a man who, well, if anyone has a reason to wallow in …

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How true Bernie!
I found out recently from my 16 year old son that it is a fact that cuddles instantly help and improve our wellbeing to the point of boosting our immune system.

Feeling lonely is horrible but how amazing is it from our connection with family and friends or just someone you know showing that they care can really have an impact on us to feel better instantly.

David Eccleston

Bernie, this is so true – Loneliness is something I am going through, I ask God to help – I think he just did by your series of talks. Thank you.

Anne Flinter

How very true! Loneliness is so sad in a world that shouldn’t be lonely. Thank you Bernie for a transcript so well written, thought out and touches to the core.

Berni Dymet

Gail, praying for you. I have been in a place, some 20 years ago, not dissimilar to you. I understand the pain. But I want you to know that this moment in your life is the greatest opportunity that God will ever hand you. Amidst the inky black darkness, where nothing that anybody else can say or do seems to make any difference, you have the opportunity to discover the faithfulness and the love of God in a powerful way. In a way that others, not going through your pain, never could. Press close to Him. Grab your bible and read it every day. Pour your heart out to the Lord. Become a woman of prayer. And I guarantee that He will show up, He will reveal Himself to you and He will transform your life. I could never have imagined back 20 years ago, not only how powerfully God would heal me from the betrayals and the pain, but that He would have me sharing His love with so many people. Be encouraged. -Berni


I found this teaching to be quite an encouragement. My husband left me five years ago after I Discovered that he’d been in a five year relationship with another woman. Not only that, he confessed there had been 9 others over our ten year marriage. This was my second marriage and @ 45 years old with an 8 year old son I felt like my world was coming to an end. I will be 50 next month and I don’t feel like I have gained any ground. I have not dated as I don’t know how. The betrayal was life changing for me and my son. My husband played the role of a Christian man. We were respected as a nice Christian family in our community but our home was in tormoil. He was emotionally abusive to me, our son and my daughter- his stepdaughter throughout the marriage. I’m baffled that I still long for a chance to start over with him. I know it’s because I felt unloved by my dad and that he emotionally and mentally abused me as well. Please pray that the Spirit of God will help me unravel this twisted web of lies and pain. Thank you so much for your ministry.

Bettye Frank

But what if you are in that place anxiety is crushing you and you’re crying out to Him day after day but you hear nothing and don’t feel His presence?

ladie ann reston



Yes, serving and not wallowing in self-pity has worked for me. Praise God for His patience with us…


Such an important message here is to find and associate with a church. Let the Lord guide you and He will find your place. It can be daunting to go for the first time but you will be amazed at how He works all things out for you.


My husband left me 15yrs ago and I also experienced that incredible sense of God’s constant presence. He promises to never leave or forsake us and that is such a comfort! I have not remarried but even though I feel lonely at times I know that I am never alone…what a blessing. God is more than capable of taking care of my needs and Psalm 23:1 has always ministered to me – The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall lack no good thing! It is not just about feelings but the facts found in God’s Word!