... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Old Story, New Twist (Part 1)

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Christmas is a time of celebration, right? And yet how many times have you been through Christmas and it just wasn’t all that it should have been?

Well, there’s a reason for that. In this Series of Christianityworks – Berni Dymet explores the old, old story of Christmas and discovers a new twist.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. The Problem of Christmas

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Well, here we are again, it’s December! It’s almost the end of another year and it’s almost Christmas time, again. It happens year after year. Christmas. The question is, what do …

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Episode 2. The Prophecies of Old

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You know that first Christmas? It didn’t just happen. It wasn’t like God hadn’t told His people that He was going to send them a Saviour. It’s just that, well, they were so …

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Episode 3. The Realities of Life

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One of the problems that many people have is reconciling the supposed wonder and joy of Christmas with the humdrum realities of their lives. How do you do that? How do you take this Christmas message …

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Episode 4. Christmas Is A Crazy Idea

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I don’t know if you’ve ever thought about this but on the surface of things Christmas is a crazy idea. I mean what exactly was God thinking by sending His Son to become a man and to be …

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Episode 5. A Father's Heart

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The other Sunday, the Pastor at my Church was talking about dying. He made the point that people’s greatest fear is to die alone. Hmm … I’d never thought of it quite that way but it …

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I have been receiving the devotional for some time now and your focus on how much God loves his people is a resounding truth that really makes me feel happy and blessed.After overcoming a re occurring sin in my life I can truly testify the power of the Holy Spirit and know that I am truly forgiven through Christ.For without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness of sin.I would like to encourage others who may have struggles with sin or failure to keep persevering. For the Holy Spirit is our comforter and by bringing our short comings to Jesus we are promised forgiveness.Jesus has already paid the price for our transgressions by dying and shedding his innocent blood.When we embrace this truth and realise how much God loves us through Jesus’ sacrifice we can experience true forgiveness and embrace God’s unconditional love. Thank you for revealing this truth to me. I now have freedom in the knowledge that I am not only forgiven but truly loved and have the promise of eternal life.

Berni Dymet

Awesome Thami.

Thami Mapasa

Like David, I guess I also really want to know the Heart of God, you have no idea how you just made me to view Christmas in your different perspective, This has really opened up the Heart of God to me, correct me if I’m wrong when I say that only He really knows the thoughts/plans that He has for me.
Late as it is over here right now, I honestly not regret losing these hours of sleep, thanks again Bernie.

Thami Mapasa

Sir, I don’t really know who you are, as i’ve just recently subscribed to your Christianityworks website, all I know of you is that you are one Blessed fellow-human being in this world of of ours, allow me to say your perspective of Christmas through your theme, ” Old story-new twist, I did not just get it, but it completely blew my mind, your telling me to focus on the why He came and who He came for into our world, not necessarily the correctness of His birth date, has today not only just touched my heart in an inexplicable way, but immensely enlightened it with a Joy and Wonder I can never explain in words, I was reading and again re-reading your passages completely stunned by this your new revelation, God bless you Bernie and thank you so much from my heart.

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