... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: The Passover Blessing (Part 1)

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Easter rolls around about this time every year. And the strange thing is that despite all the struggles we’re are facing, despite the emptiness and the yearning for something more, so many seem just to glide through Easter with a day or two off and not even notice that God is calling out to them.

Why don’t you join Berni Dymet this week on the program as he sets out to discover the blessing that is Easter.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. In Slavery

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There’s not one among us who wouldn’t say that slavery is one of the most tragic, abhorrent thing imaginable. Strangely though, this whole Easter thing has a lot to do with slavery. In fact, it …

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Episode 2. A Sharp Distinction

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Easter is all about chocolate right? God is soft and sweet and loving, right? But what if there’s another side to Easter. A side that we’d rather not think about. A side that involves not just …

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Episode 3. The Wrath of God

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We all get angry some days. We do. And God gets angry too. Now He loves us with the most amazing love – so He’s slow to anger. But He does get angry. He does. But what does that have to do with …

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Episode 4. Freedom for the Taking

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Freedom is a commodity much in demand, but in short supply. Oh sure – plenty of things seem to offer us freedom. That new car ad on TV last night – that was all about freedom. But how many of …

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Episode 5. But What Does it All Mean?

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Easter. Ever wondered. What does it all mean? I mean not the ritual of the celebration, but the actual message. The actual event. What does it all mean to you and me, here and now? Here we are – …

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Thank you Bernie so much for your direct and informative way of putting the true meaning of Easter, I love and appreciate your daily devotions which help me every day to get closer to God through my bible study.I just wanted to thank you and to say” keep up your good work”

Judi Colman

Thank you Bernie, great message and a timely reminder of The Faithfulness of our Loving Father and the sacrifice which was made for His Love for us.
Happy Easter to you and Jacque

Berni Dymet

Thanks Lyn. Yes it is so important to share both sides of the grace story, for without an understanding of the terrible judgement that awaits, the cross of Christ is emptied of its meaning and grace becomes cheap. Grace is anything but cheap. It cost Jesus everything! Thank you for the encouragement. Berni@CW

lyn armstrong

I have listened to your third easter talk and want to thank you for presenting the whole message of the gospel so clearly. I have been listening to christian radio during work for the past 6 months and this is the first time I have heard anyone speak of God’s justice and hell; what we are saved from, not just of Gods love and what he can do for us.
I find it difficult to share the gospel as I don’t know where to start or how to present a concise message, you have given me a 10 min structure to copy.

Shirley Keating

I appreciate the acknowledgment of Israel and that Easter only makes sense when Passover is understood. I also bemoan the absence of mention of Palm
Sunday in the more contemplory churches. Christian teaching without the Jewish
Perspective is so bland and unbakanced.