... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Defining Moments

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God is a surprising God. In the middle of the ordinary, the mundane, the unfair – right in the middle of life, so often His defining moments appear. Seemingly small and insignificant things that change the course of our lives.And it’s so easy for us to miss them. That’s why we need to have our eyes open and that’s why Berni open’s up God’s Word in this series, to discover some of those defining moments.

Episode 1. Turning Mistakes into Miracles

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Abraham was a man of faith. But He made plenty of mistakes along the way. Yet God, God seemed to overlook, even to compensate for them. Why was that? Why don’t you join Berni Dymet, as he looks at …

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Episode 2. It’s Not Fair

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If any man ever had an unfair life – it was Joseph in the Old Testament. One step forward, two steps back. Yet in the end, he came out in front. Why was that? Why don’t you join Berni Dymet, as …

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Episode 3. The Gentle Heart of God

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Sometimes, we spend so much of our energies in believing that God will give us some breakthrough in our time of need, that we miss the fact that he’s already provided us with everything we need to …

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Episode 4. A Word in Time

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It’s easy to drift along, day after day – not really realising that we’re on a gentle, downward slope, until it’s too late. But the beauty of God’s grace is that it’s never, ever too …

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