... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Living Life as an Ambassador of Christ

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Many, many people believe in Jesus Christ – and yet somehow there’s a gap between what they believe and how they live. It seems that other people are out there doing things for God, and yet they feel as though there’s something missing in their lives in that regard. That’s because there is. The Lord means for us to be Ambassadors – Ambassadors of Christ. What does that mean? How does that work?

So why not join Berni Dymet – as he opens God’s Word to discover what it really means to live out a life that truly counts for something.

Episode 1. A Whole New Take on Life

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Life just seems to happen doesn’t it? We get up, do pretty much the same thing as yesterday, over and over. And as someone who believes in Jesus it can be easy for us to lose sight of what God …

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Episode 2. Clothed in Christ

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Everyone – everyone who believes in Jesus is called to be His ambassador. An Ambassador of Christ. That involves a change of heart, it involves a change in our actions and it involves – well, …

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Episode 3. Looking Walking and Talking Like Jesus

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Everyone – everyone who believes in Jesus is called to be His ambassador. And if we’re going to be His Ambassadors, then we’d better look like Him, walk like Him, talk like Him – each in our …

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Episode 4. Ambassador with a Difference

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Everyone – everyone who believes in Jesus is called to be His ambassador. Ahh – there are Ambassadors and then there are Ambassadors. Question is – how can you and I be the sort of Ambassador …

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