... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: There Is a Light at the End of the Tunnel

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Life is full of awkward transitions from things we know and understand, to things that we don’t. Often we feel as though we’re on an uncomfortable journey with an uncertain destination. How effectively we cope with those transitions, has a lot to do with the sort of life that we’re going to end up living. Because, well, let’s face it, it seems that just about our whole life, we’re going through some sort of transition.
So join Berni in God’s Word, and discover the powerful words that God has to speak into your uncomfortable journey to that uncertain destination.

Episode 1. Listen to God and Wake Up

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When things aren’t going quite the way we’d planned, it’s easy to put our heads down, and just deal with the grind. Our eyes are downcast, our hearing becomes dull. Right then, it’s time to …

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Episode 2. A Different Perspective

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Things look different depending on where you sit. And sometimes, things in our lives look a whole bunch worse from where we sit, than from where God sits. Join Berni Dymet, on Christianityworks as he …

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Episode 3. The Rubber Hits the Road

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A car won’t take you anywhere unless you get into it, turn the ignition on and put your foot on the accelerator. So – why do we imagine that life is any different? Sitting there just doesn’t do …

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Episode 4. Trust in God - Theory vs Practice

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It’s one thing for us to trust in God … in theory. The theory, as it turns out, is pretty simple. It’s the practice that many of us find much harder. Because trusting Him is something we need …

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Janet Botros

Hi Keziah,

Pray for God to grow this ministry and take it to all corners of the world 🙏

God bless

Keziah Odemba


Is it possible for christianity works to have an office in Nairobi, Kenya?

Jennifer Bate

This is giving me strength and encouragement while I’m recovering from flu while on holiday in France. Thank you Berni and Christianity Works.