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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: How to Stop Your Family from Falling Apart

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Families today are under attack from all directions. A lot of it has to do with the relentless march of the armies of individualism and materialism across the globe. There are forces at play which are tearing families apart. And that’s something that our enemy, the devil, is delighted with.

In this series, Berni Dymet will be opening God’s Word to discover what He has to say about your family. It’s all about what you can do, to stop your family, from falling apart.

Episode 1. Family Matters

You know what they say – you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your relatives. Ain’t that the truth?! Maybe that’s why families around the globe are being torn apart. Your Family …

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Episode 2. Your Family Needs You

In many cultures there is a commodity that is becoming more precious than money. That commodity is time. So why do we waste something that is so precious? Your Family Needs Your Time It’s true …

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Episode 3. 3 Ways to Stop Your Family from Falling Apart

There’s nothing quite like having a meal together from time to time to develop the bonds of friendship. We can meet someone at work or in passing somewhere and think ‘Well, I really enjoy their …

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Episode 4. There's Hope for Your Family Yet

There’s one thing, just one thing that more than anything else is going to tear your family apart. Address that one thing, and the risk that your family will come apart at the seams will drop …

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Berni Dymet

John, the closer you are to people, sometimes the more it hurts and the less influence you can have over them. But there are two things that you can do. All day, every day, show them the love of Christ. Yes, it will cost you and yes it will hurt, but love is the most powerful force in the universe … because God IS love. Secondly, speaking of power, when you are completely powerless to change a situation and the only thing that you can do is pray, then in praying, you have already done the single, most powerful thing that you can possibly do! 🙂 -Berni



Berni Dymet

Marria – although you feel weak and helpless, your Redeemer lives! He will never leave you or forsake you and His strength is made perfect in your weakness. Trust in Him – pray for your family members believing that God is going to do some amazing things, love them as best you can … and watch, just watch what he will do for you. It may not happen overnight, but it will happen! -Berni


Hey sorry i didn’t read the entire article but I read most of it .. my English is weak so I hope you understand this is my first time ever posting about this issue I’m going throw right now .. my family is falling apart and it really breaks my heart to see them like that I have a big beautiful family ten siblings and my mom after my father past away i watched my beautiful family fall apart drugs and alcohol are the main reason I don’t want to give much details but I want your help please it’s so painful to see my mother struggle to keep the rest of us together but I can clearly see how depressed she is .. and I’m not the best daughter I do try sometimes but she is driving me crazy i can understand how she feels she doesn’t want the rest of my brothers to go to jail like my other brothers what do I do ? I feel so weak and helpless ..

Berni Dymet

Navyea, I know how that feels. Just remember that none of that is your fault. It’s between them. As difficult as that is, try to take those dark times and draw ever closer to Jesus. He will be your comfort and your light.

navyea poncho

my mom and my step dad are always fighting i always start crying but yet it is always me, my brother, or my step sister but if we all try it would still back fire on us nothing will change its not fair i wish i could sometimes disappear i have tried cutting but it got me no where some days i wish god would have never made me i was just a freaking screw up.

Berni Dymet

Rehema, your situation is so incredibly sad. I am praying for you and your brothers and sisters … and your dad. I am not sure how old you are, but it is a huge burden on your shoulders. Is there anyone that you can reach out to? Is there a church nearby that you can visit to share your need? You need some help here in this situation – godly, honest, loving help. Draw close to Jesus at this time, pray and rest in Him. He is right there with you. But also, reach out to get some local help. A church would be great, together with your extended family. Berni


some weeks before we started school my mother went on vacation( July 2015) with my youngest sister who was 4 and kept on saying that she will come back soon, till this day( March 2016) she hasn’t come back and we cannot help but feel like she has abandoned us. we are 6 children and we have always eat breakfast,lunch, and diner together but now it is as if we are all mute and devastated people eating together. my father seems to always be sad,depressed,or very busy.my older sister left for college and was what was keeping the family together.i know leaves seas away from my sisters and can not help feeling that my youngest sister will grow up not knowing us her family and will forget where she came from.None of us seem interested in interacting with each other even though i and my smaller brother try to get us to. it know feels like am living in a house of depression and sadness,and no longer feel like this is home.

Berni Dymet

Kayla, you are in such a tough spot. I truly feel for you. What is happening between your step mother and your father is (a) not your fault and (b) largely beyond your control. Keeping your family together is not something that you can do. But it is something that God can do. When there is nothing that you can do in a situation other than pray, then by praying you are already doing the single, most powerful thing that you can possibly do. Love them both, pray for them and their marriage … and put all your trust, all your hope in Jesus Christ. Let Him do the rest … -Berni

kayla Johnson

Im 16 and my step mom wants to get out and i mean leave. She wants to get an apartment and divorce my dad. I have been trying so hard to do anything to keep my family together. And everything is just failing. I need help really bad because if everything goes through than I have no where to go. Please tell me how I can help my family stay together.