... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: One Year Ends – Another Begins

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The years roll by so quickly. And then, as we head into December and look at Christmas, then New Year, it’s a bit like, well, what’s it all about? Why am I doing this? What does it all mean? And yet Christmas is one of the most startling, new, fresh, exciting things that God ever dreamed up. It’s the beginning of something. A new birth. In this series One Year Ends – Another Begins Berni explores a Christmas meant to be celebrated deep, deep down in our hearts. And a new year – meant to be lived out to the full.

Episode 1. Looking Forward to Christmas

Here we are … looking forward to Christmas … again. Can you believe it? But turn the clock back to that first Christmas. What were people looking forward to back then and what does that mean for …

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Episode 2. Where Did the Baby Come From?

The people who were there when Jesus was born were looking up at the stars. The shepherds were looking up at the stars. They were looking up, and back to the promise that God had made to Abraham: …

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Episode 3. Throwing the Baby Out with the Bathwater

Most people believe in God but don’t acknowledge it. Most people have a sense of God’s goodness but they don’t live in that goodness and then we wonder why are things going so bad. We wonder …

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Episode 4. Where Will I Live This Year?

Jesus came to have a relationship with us, and a huge part of having that relationship is spending time with Him. Well, the year’s over, we’re looking forward to another year, new year’s about …

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Senen Teoxon

Thats it! God Bless you all!

Senen Teoxon

I thank Lord Jesus for His grace and mercy in your life and to all your team, God enable you to share His goodness to many including my self, such a revelation! Im sure Holy Spirit will protect you all and bless you day after day, again thank you.


What a wonderful message Berni, so true that our God always works in a fresh and new way all the time. I pray that I look forward to the celebration of my Savior through eyes not clouded with my own perspective or circumstance but to be excited to how God will move and reveal Himself to me afresh, to draw me closer to Him and to bring growth and a heart that desires a closer relationship with my heavenly Father.

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