... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: A Confident Life in Uncertain Times

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We live in a world that’s changing so quickly. There are so many choices and challenges in life. And so many people find that all of the change and the uncertainty eat away at them. Uncertainty can be like a cancer – it can drain the life out of us.

In this Series, Berni Dymet opens up God’s word – 1 Peter, a letter written to people living in uncertain times, and discovers that God’s plan is for us to live a confident life. A life of abundant grace and peace.

Episode 1. Chosen with a Purpose

Uncertainity is a fact of life. And it’s something that can eat away at us, robbing us of life itself. But God has a plan, He chose us with a plan in mind.   The Reality of Uncertainty …

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Episode 2. A Living Hope

A life without hope, is well … a pretty miserable life. But God has a plan to fill us full of vibrant living hope, that grows in us – a fruit of indescribable and glorious joy.   …

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Episode 3. Holy, Holy, Holy

It turns out that if we’re going to have a real and lasting confidence in what we believe. We actually have to live it out – a life that reflects the one that we believe.   We Need …

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Episode 4. Living a Rock Solid Life

God has an amazing plan for us to live a confident life. And part of that plan is about the people that he puts around us. But how can we live so that we build one another up?   Firm Faith …

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Jeff J

What a lovely message! Surely is encouraging and inspirational, thank you Bernie. Please keep these coming. Blessed be God.