... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: An Abundant Life in Jesus

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Most of us have at least one thing going on in our lives at any point in time that, if we had our way – wouldn’t be there. A difficult relationship. Sickness. Financial pressures – some thorn in the flesh, right? And so what we do is that we focus on that – even though everything else in our lives is going really well.That one thing can rob us of an abundant life. And it’s an abundant life that Jesus promised us! So – how do we set about living out that abundant life? Laying hold of it so that we can live the life that Jesus came to bring us?

That’s what Berni Dymet will be sharing in this series – An Abundant Life in Jesus.

Episode 1. Life with the Good Shepherd

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So, do you believe the Bible? Really? What about one specific verse in the Bible. John 10:10 – where Jesus promises us an abundant life. Well, no, actually, He promises us a super–abundant life. …

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Episode 2. A Father's Heart

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One of the ways that God explains His relationship with us, is that He is our Father, and we are His children. And actually, when you think about it, a father–child relationship is, or at least …

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Episode 3. The Blessing of Righteousness, Peace and Joy

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Blessing – what a cool word. We all want to be blessed. But the blessing that we all too often have in mind ain’t exactly the blessing that God has in mind. And what that means, is that we often …

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Episode 4. God's Abundant Blessing Now and Forever

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It’s not always that easy to picture what God’s blessing is actually like, especially when we’re in one of those difficult patches that we all seem to travel through from time to time. And yet, …

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