... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: One Year Ends, Another Begins

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The years roll by so quickly. And then, as we head into December and look at Christmas, then New Year, it’s a bit like, well, what’s it all about? Why am I doing this? What does it all mean? And yet Christmas is one of the most startling, new, fresh, exciting things that God ever dreamed up. It’s the beginning of something. A new birth. In this series One Year Ends – Another Begins Berni explores a Christmas meant to be celebrated deep, deep down in our hearts. And a new year – meant to be lived out to the full.

Episode 1. Anger Management

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Anger and bitterness are things we don’t like to talk about much – little wonder! But they’re things that we encounter every now and then. So what are they all about and how do we deal with …

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Episode 2. Looking Forward to Christmas

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December. Humph! So, are you looking forward to Christmas? Really? I mean – what is it about Christmas that you’re looking forward to? Join Berni Dymet, on Christianityworks as he looks forward …

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Episode 3. Where Did the Baby Come From?

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When you think about it Jesus is the only person in history that could choose the time, the place and the manner of His birth. So – what do His choices, tell us about Christmas. Join Berni Dymet, …

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Episode 4. Throwing the Baby Out with the Bathwater

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Christmas. The 25th of December? Is that actually His birthday. Why do we do Christmas the way we do? I mean, is there a risk of throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Join Berni Dymet, on …

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Great work.