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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Pain Relief for the Soul

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Pain is a fact of life. We don’t want to think about it. We all hope to avoid it. But I’ve never met anybody, who hasn’t experienced pain – physical, emotional and spiritual. Yep – pain is definitely a fact of life! And like every other part of our lives. God has quite a bit to say about pain. Both the self-inflicted pain that we cause through our sin, and the sort that’s completely out of our control. The natural pain that comes from the death of a loved one … that sort of pain. And when we bring God’s wisdom and God’s love to the problem of pain – awesome things start to happen.

Episode 1. Sometimes Life is a Pain

None of us likes to experience pain in our lives, and yet, some pain is inevitable. Sure. But other pain … well you know it and I know it … we bring it on ourselves, through the things that we …

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Episode 2. Taking the Pain Out of Life

None of us wants to experience pain in our lives. We just don’t. But as much as we don’t want pain, it’s a fact of life. It just is. So … we can sweep it all under the rug and pretend that it …

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Episode 3. Self Inflicted Pain

Back in the day when I was in the Army, causing a self-inflicted injury was a serious offence. You could be locked up for hurting yourself. And yet, as I look around, there are so many people with …

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Episode 4. The Healing Peace of Victory

Life can be cruel can’t it? Sometimes it seems like it’s one thing after another that brings hurt and pain into our lives. I know many people are overwhelmed with the things that life keeps …

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