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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

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Proverbs 22:9 Generous people will be blessed, because they share their food with the poor.

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So, last night, what did you have for dinner? Did you enjoy it? And what about breakfast this morning? Was it good? It’s great to have a full tummy – to be nourished, satisfied – and yet there are countless millions around the globe who have no idea what that’s like.

Every time there’s a flu outbreak, a handful of people in our community die. Normally it’s the elderly and yes, that’s a terrible thing. It’s a known fact that there’s a sharp uptick in the funeral business during winter, for that very reason.

Or perhaps there’s a much bigger outbreak – a pandemic like the Corona virus that’s sweeping the planet. We’re all terrified that we might catch it.

And yet, somehow we seem to be quite capable of ignoring the fact that each and every day over 25,000 people die from hunger, two-thirds of them children. Stop and think about that … 25,000!

So why does the Corona virus make the news ahead of the 25,000? I mean, why aren’t those 25,000 the lead item on the evening news every day?

Perhaps it’s because you and I can catch the Corona virus, but we can’t catch starvation. Maybe those of us watching the news are more interested in things that impact us – our comfort, our peace, our joy – than the unimaginable suffering of the starving millions.

Something you notice about Jesus is that He had a very clear bias towards the poor. In fact, He said that He’d come to bring good news to the poor. He hung around with them. He loved them. He healed them. He blessed them. Why? Because that’s who God is.

Proverbs 22:9 Generous people will be blessed, because they share their food with the poor.

So when it comes to those who are starving, might I ask you, what are you actually doing?

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Shannon Allen

I feel that our country is somewhat selfish. Thinking of themselves more than others.The Bible tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves. A lot of us don’t think like that.We are going against God’s own words. We are hardheaded, disobedient and sometimes all out ignorant.There is no way for us to be God’s elect and act the way and do some of the things that we do. It’s sad.

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