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Family Tip Number 1

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2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is given by God. And all Scripture is useful for teaching and for showing people what is wrong in their lives. It is useful for correcting faults and teaching the right way to live. Using the Scriptures, those who serve God will be prepared and will have everything they need to do every good work.

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Sadly, there’s no manual for being a perfect husband or wife, or father or mother. And yet, God has some powerful words of wisdom to speak into your family.

I have some friends who live in Lincoln, Nebraska – Mark and his wife, Precious. Now, they’ve brought up nine children and each one of those adult children is still walking with the Lord.

Over the years, they seemed to me, to have this whole family thing so, together. So recently, I asked them for their top five tips for building a godly family. Here’s tip number 1 – this is what Mark said:

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ. What do we mean by this? The written Word of God is absolutely central to everything we do in parenting and to birthing faith in the hearts of our children.

We can talk, lecture, admonish, discipline, correct, nag, whatever, until we’re blue in the face and it’ll do no good at all, unless the Spirit of God takes His own Word and does a work in the hearts of our children.

So, we expose and challenge them with God’s Word as often as possible. In our home, over the years, that’s taken the form of bedtime stories, Scripture reading at the dinner table, family devotional times, Scripture memory, using real life experiences to show how God’s Word speaks to every situation, all sorts of things.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is given by God. And all Scripture is useful for teaching and for showing people what is wrong in their lives. It is useful for correcting faults and teaching the right way to live. Using the Scriptures, those who serve God will be prepared and will have everything they need to do every good work.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Sharon Smith

Thankyou . I’m a single mum age nearly 48 my son is 9. At times it gets fraught. I have no human model as was brought up in care and was like a parcel with no address until the destructive family aged 10 I ended with. God is my number 1 and I know parenting is a gift and God allowed me my son as a miracle many ways over. God gave me my son. I do often doubt my ability, feel guilty as I shouldn’t have said this … or done that…. but God is helping me. Sadly I over think which is my snare. I know the importance of a good childhood that now a days more than ever must be Bible based and brought alive to my son by his own faith and own relationship with God. I have health issues that at times stop me being as tolerant as I should be. I enjoy listenning to your ministry on UCB ireland as it’s presented in a real way. Being a parent is a huge responsibility . Thankyou for aĺl the input . Sharon


Beautiful. This family is so adorable and a very good model for the family of the world situation this days.

Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful family story. So beautiful.

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