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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Give Me a Sign

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Mark 8:11-13 The Pharisees came to Jesus and asked him questions. They wanted to test him. So they asked him to do a miracle as a sign from God. Jesus sighed deeply and said, “Why do you people ask to see a miracle as a sign? I want you to know that no miracle will be done to prove anything to you.” Then Jesus left them and went in the boat to the other side of the lake.

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It’s tempting sometimes to ask God to prove Himself, especially when life’s tough and He seems to have gone missing on you. “God, show me a sign. Show me that you’re real.” But most times, that attitude doesn’t play all that well with Him.

Have you noticed how many street signs there are these days as you drive down the street? One way, no left turn, stop, go, fast, slow. You can’t miss them.  

There was a time when Jesus had been going out there performing so many miracles. He’d healed people and cast out their demons, fed thousands from a few fishes and loaves, walked on water, stilled storms. People called them signs; signs that pointed to the fact that He was indeed the Messiah.

And the miracles were a bit like those street signs – you just couldn’t miss them. But then one day …

Mark 8:11-13 The Pharisees came to Jesus and asked him questions. They wanted to test him. So they asked him to do a miracle as a sign from God. Jesus sighed deeply and said, “Why do you people ask to see a miracle as a sign? I want you to know that no miracle will be done to prove anything to you.” Then Jesus left them and went in the boat to the other side of the lake.

Seriously, they hadn’t seen enough signs? They demanded more to have the Messiah prove Himself to them?

Interestingly, when you take the word “God” and turn it around, you get “dog” … and let me tell you, God is no performing poodle. He doesn’t do tricks on command and that’s exactly what those religious leaders were asking Him to do. They wanted to turn the Creator-creature relationship on its head; to remake Him in their image.

Wake up. Jesus doesn’t dance to anyone else’s tune.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Ashok Naidu

Pharisees asked Jesus for a sign to ‘test him’. But when a believer who is going through tough times and God ‘seems to have gone missing on him’ nothing wrong in asking God to show up. In fact in desperate need he asks God for a sign of His presence in his difficult situation.

Henry Davies

Thanks for God’s Word today . The verse blessed are those who have not seen , yet they believe !! Springs to mind . Keep us believing in the true living Word of God ! Believing in all the miracles Jesus performed in His time here on earth 🌍 , l pray !!
Amen 🙏.

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