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Go to Hell

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John 3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. But those who do not obey the Son will never have that life. They cannot get away from God's anger.

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You hear people talking about eternity as though it’s a long time. No, it’s not, it’s forever and ever, without end. And that makes your eternity, a very important topic.

Let me ask you something: when you die, what’s going to happen to you? I don’t mean your body, you won’t need that. I mean – YOU!

Now a lot of people believe that when you die, that’s it. It’s all over. There’s nothing there on the other side. Fair enough. But what if there is? Then what?!

Other people believe we’re all going to some better place. Nirvana, heaven, that big lolly shop in the sky – call it what you will. Fair enough, but are we all going there? What about that one person who’s hurt you more than anyone else? Will they end up there too?

God has a take on this. It’s really simple. There is a heaven and there is a hell. And those who put their faith in Him, those who trust in Him not just with their words, but with their life, with how they live, they’ll spend eternity with God. And those that don’t, won’t. That’s not me saying that. Don’t just believe me. It’s actually in God’s Word, the Bible:

John 3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life. But those who do not obey the Son will never have that life. They cannot get away from God’s anger.

What we’re talking about here, isn’t some nice, safe, distant, insurance policy, just in case, kind of faith. Did you pick it? In that verse, faith and obedience are treated the same. It’s about living your whole life for Jesus.

So let me ask you again. If you died tonight, would you be ready for eternity? I mean, eternity is, after all, a very long time.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Peter K.

Thank you so much for messages like this one. Keep speaking the truth in love.

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