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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Serve God with a Pure Heart

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1 Chronicles 28:9 And you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father. Serve God with a pure heart. Be happy to serve him, because the LORD knows what is in everyone’s heart. He knows what you are thinking. If you go to him for help, you will get an answer. But if you turn away from him, he will leave you forever.

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Have you ever had someone do something for you with a bad attitude? It kind of robs you of the joy of what they did, because they didn’t do it with a willing heart.

The truth is, you and I, we’re capable of exactly the same thing. We might do what’s required of us, but under our breath we’re complaining. It’s not fair. I shouldn’t have to do this.

Many years ago, when I started at Bible college, we had to do chores between lectures. Everyone was allocated something and, though I prayed “Lord, please don’t give me the toilets to clean,” you guessed it … that’s where I ended up.

So in my day job I was flying around the world business class, charging thousands of dollars a day for my consulting expertise – and here I was cleaning toilets. Seriously?! You can imagine the grumbling that went on.

But God knew what He was doing because it taught me an important lesson – the same lesson that wise old King David taught his son Solomon:

1 Chronicles 28:9 And you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father. Serve God with a pure heart. Be happy to serve him, because the LORD knows what is in everyone’s heart. He knows what you are thinking. If you go to him for help, you will get an answer. But if you turn away from him, he will leave you forever.

Look, God sometimes calls us to do things we don’t want to do. Do them with a good heart, a glad heart, because He knows what’s going on inside. And if you go to Him for help, He will answer you.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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