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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

The Communication Gap

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2 Chronicles 15:2 Azariah went to meet Asa and said, “Listen to me, Asa and all you people of Judah and Benjamin. The Lord is with you when you are with him. If you look for him, you will find him. But if you leave him, he will leave you.”

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Okay, on a scale of 0 to 10, how close do you feel to God, right in this moment? Zero is a million miles apart … ten is a close, intimate, real relationship with Jesus. Come on, how close do you feel to God right in this moment?

Have you noticed how the more technology we have at our fingertips, the more connected we become? First came the postal service – remember letters? Then came telephones, telexes and eventually, cars, faxes, email, smartphones and these days social media is all the rage – Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and a host of others. Goodness only knows what’s next!

But the thing you notice is that the more technology we have, the busier we become. The more options we have, the more we cram pack our lives full of doing, and stuff and stuff …

And the incredibly sad paradox of all that is that the more tech we have at our fingertips, the less deeply we connect with other people. Remember the sorts of conversations that used to happen when we went camping as kids and sat around the fire and just talked?

And if that’s true in our human relationships, it’s also true in our relationship with God. Somehow we’ve just drifted apart.

2 Chronicles 15:2 Azariah went to meet Asa and said, “Listen to me, Asa and all you people of Judah and Benjamin. The Lord is with you when you are with him. If you look for him, you will find him. But if you leave him, he will leave you.”

Listen up … if God seems a million miles away, make time to be with Him because He is with you when you are with him … But if you leave him, he will leave you.

So if you’ve drifted away, don’t be discouraged because if you look for him, you will find him.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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Shelia Bush

Thank you for that wonderful word I feel very close to God I look for him and he’s always there I love the Lord with all my heart


Love this piece. Very inspirational, comforting, and in troubled times it will lift your spirit to know we are never alone. We have a permanent, Helper, Provider, in Jesus if we seek Him and stay in Him. We can draw strength from this piece knowing that what ever happens, God is with us if we stay in Him.

Winner Zyppora

This touches the core as Mother Teresa said, “But as for me- the silence & emptiness is so great that I look; do not see- listen & do not hear.”
As I reflected in the commentary, I discovered that GOD has been close. I have wanted my way, but HIS will has prevail. HE does what no man can do; we are all under HIS grace and mercy even if we acknowledge it or not. That is why no one knew this year that there would be a lockdown. No one thought or imagined it but it happened; HE is still on the Throne. Its been my way or no way that is zero but when I surrender to HIS will I rest knowing HE knows; HE knew, HE LOVES me.
This just shows me how much I need to conform to GOD and be transformed by the renewal of my mind.
Thank you for sharing.

Misty Star Gardner

This was so true and so amazing! Spending time with God is all I want to do, of course I have to do daily living things but I’m at a point where I’m like gosh can’t I just spend time with God instead. Anyways happy medium I guess but it’s amazing how God’s love is so perfect and available anytime. I just wish everyone else would feel the same way.

Troy Gaudino

If you leave him, he won’t leave you. He will wait for you to return.

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