... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: God’s Very Best for You

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One of the easiest things to do in this world, is to idolise God’s blessings. In other words, we elevate the blessings of this world, above God Himself. We’ve all done it and as sensible as it appeared at the time, it has always … always robbed us of God’s best. God’s very best for us.

So why not join Berni Dymet – as he opens God’s Word to discover God’s very best … for you!

Episode 1. Idolatry Among God’s People

So many things in this world seem to turn out to be imposters. They promise so much; they look so good, but when you finally sacrifice everything to get that one thing, whatever it happens to be, it …

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Episode 2. Idolatry – The Temptation and the Solution

Today on the program, I want to introduce you to a couple of people who, perhaps more than any other Bible characters, show us how easily you and I can fall into idolatry. How easily you and I can …

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Episode 3. Girls, Gold and Glory

The mistake that so many of God’s people make is that they think their relationship with other people can fill the deep void within – a void that’s been designed so that it can only be filled …

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Episode 4. The Best of the Best

You know the saying, ‘No man is an island’. None of us can go it alone. We all need help, wise counsel and a bit of muscle from time to time. The question is, who or what do you turn to, …

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