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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks


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罗马书5:6 因我们还软弱的时候,基督就按所定的日期为罪人死。

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I wonder if you’ve ever heard of “Maundy Thursday”. Well, today’s that day, the day before Good Friday, when we commemorate the suffering and death of Jesus for the likes of you and me. But what does “Maundy” actually mean?

Well, in the early 14th Century the word “maundy” became associated with Jesus’ washing of the disciples’ feet during the last supper, just before He was betrayed by Judas in the Garden of Gethsemane.

For many years now the British monarch has celebrated this day by giving specially minted coins to pensioners as a symbolic representation of Jesus’ washing of the disciples’ feet.

The whole idea behind this “maundy” concept is that the one who is much higher in status in a sense bows down to serve and give to those who are lower in status; those in a sense who don’t deserve it.

Think about it. Jesus, the Son of God, kneeling down to wash the smelly, dirty feet of the twelve disciples – including Judas who was about to betray Him. Peter protested, “You shall never wash my feet”. But Jesus replied, “If I don’t wash you, you have no share with me.”

Have you ever felt completely unworthy of what Jesus did for you? Well, my friend, that’s the whole point. That’s absolutely the point of what we’re going to celebrate tomorrow.

Romans 5:6 For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. (ESV)

Absolutely we’re unworthy, you and I. But despite our sin and rebellion – in fact, because of it – God took the initiative. While we were still weak, while we were still His enemies, Christ died for us. That’s not just good news … it’s fantastic news.

And it’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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