... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Anger Management

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Anger and bitterness are things we don’t like to talk about much – little wonder! But they’re things that we encounter every now and then. Anger, sadly, can be a daily fact of life.So what are they all about and how do we deal with them? Join Berni as he takes a look at anger management – from a different perspective.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. The Root Produces the Fruit

Bitterness is something that we sometimes carry around in our hearts. And so often – we don’t even realise that this root of bitterness has taken hold in our lives. What is it and what can we do …

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Episode 2. Finding the Antidote

Bitterness and anger can become a habit – an attitude that grips our live. It’s like a venom that pumps through our veins. Fortunately though, there is an antidote. God made certain of that. …

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Episode 3. Dealing with a Hot Temper

Every now and then – we all through a temper tantrum. And so often it’s over the craziest little things. A hot temper isn’t a good look. So – how do we deal with it? How can we conquer it? …

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Episode 4. Be Slow to Speak

It is so easy to go from cool, calm and collected one minute into a temper tantrum in the very next. Dr Jeckle and Mr Hyde. But God has some really practical advice as to how to handle that …

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Episode 5. Leave it to God

Anger is an interesting thing – it comes form our sense of justice. Even God gets angry. Problem is, sometimes our sense of justice can be a little distorted. So when we experience angrer– what …

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Berni Dymet

Some great insights there. Thanks for sharing!



S. McDougall

This is true. I like the ‘change the root, change the fruit’.
But I might add that it’s not just our hearts, but in how we ‘think’ about things. I’ve learned that I’ve had an ‘entitled’ and ‘critical’ mentality. I am ‘entitled’ to see my agenda through, and ‘how stupid can you be not to see it too’. I am ‘entitled’ to certain responses. I have a ‘right’ to sarcasm, belittling others, giving them what they deserve, showing them how far short they fall, what they did wrong…
I’ve learned this makes me a very unhappy and mean person, not to mention a poor representative for Christ. Also unstable. I reacted out of my emotions, trusting my heart, rather than God’s Word. I am learning that OBEDIENCE to God’s Word is paramount in my life to be able to live a life of grace, forgiveness, kindness, gentleness, compassion…
In my quest for real TRUTH, I had to first realize how wrong I was in my thinking in light of God’s Word, then apply it to EACH AND EVERY situation, conversation, and decision. Paul the Apostle talks about be ‘Transformed by the Renewing of our MINDS’. This is more true than I ever realized. (I LOVE this verse!)
We as Christians must stop living through our hearts and emotions all the time, and learn to be OBEDIENT to the Word of God, by reading His Word Faithfully, and acting on it every single day. This will bear much fruit, and transform our thinking. I’ve been doing this for the last 2 years, and it has born much fruit in my own life. I am now a faithful daily reader of God’s Word, and try to be diligent to apply it to myself and my thinking.
It has helped my marriage, my family relationships, work relationships, difficult relationships… I can’t tell you how this has transformed me. When I started applying God’s Word to MY heart and mind (instead of everyone else’s! LOL) I realized how far short I fell each and every day. The Holy Spirit revealed these things gently but truthfully to me when I went in search of TRUTH in the Bible. And I found it. I am not a ‘bad’ person outwardly by earthly standards, but in my heart and mind, I was corrupted, stained, warped, disobedient, rebellious, and couldn’t even live up to my own expectations of others!
I was truly a hypocrite, and didn’t realize it.
I can’t tell you how realizing all this, and that I must ‘Take Captive EVERY THOUGHT and make it OBEDIENT to GOD’ has changed my life. (2 Cor 10:13, I think) I didn’t realize I didn’t HAVE to ACCEPT every thought that came my way. I mean, the obvious ones, but the less obvious ones, like your description of being angry at the traffic light. That’s ‘entitlement’. You feel you are ‘entitled’ to get through that light. Where’s the grace? Do you fail at other things in life? These are the questions I ask myself in these situations.
Am I ‘entitled’ to think this way about others? NOPE. It certainly isn’t a reflection of Jesus. I now think, well, that person didn’t feel safe going through at that time. Maybe something else was going on in that car we couldn’t see. Maybe they just made a mistake… I now try to consider things from other’s perspective, and certainly from a Godly one.
2 Tim says he wrote 2 letters to stimulate us to ‘wholesome thinking’. We’ve had ‘stinkin’ thinking’ for far too long. We’ve been Worldly Christians in our perspective. We’ve let the world deeply influence our expectations.
Expectations…now there is another subject for another time, but it certainly weighs heavily in this one as well. What should our expectations be? This we must search out in scripture as well, and line up our thinking with it!
There is another scripture that says we should speak as if ‘using the very words of Jesus’. This can apply to our thinking as well.
I have found that our ‘culture’, with it’s never-ending access to media, has a HUGE influence on our thinking. I’ve cut out nearly all TV (no satellite bill now – woo hoo!) I don’t listen to secular stations except some classical. I am very careful what books and magazines I choose to read. I am careful about my conversations. I try now to look at each situation and conversation as a way to help the other person however I can in word and deed to further the cause of Christ by living as an example the best I can, for I am indeed an ambassador for Christ! M
y outlook should be ‘eternal’, and not ‘worldly’. I find it is so easy to get caught up in earthly things and we don’t realize how much the every day things affect us.
Finally, I’ve learned that God is ‘above’ culture. There are many cultures in the world, but God’s Word is above all that. Culture changes, fads come and go, but His Word remains the same, and is forever relevant in our lives, but it is a Choice, to be Obedient to it, Trust the Word of God as the Real and Absolute Truth, be Faithful to it, to Live as disciples of Christ, and Not ourselves.
Sorry for running on, but I wanted to share what God has done in my life, and how realizing my hypocrisy, how important OBEDIENCE to His Word is, and faithfully reading and applying it literally to my thought life, word and deed, every day has really made a lasting change, with the help of the Holy Spirit. Putting His Word FIRST, over my thoughts and desires, and holding everything up to the Light of the Word, shines real TRUTH in my life, and transforms me closer each day to be more like His Son. I am a work in progress, but progress I am making indeed!