... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Building a Godly Family (Part 2)

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Whatever state they’re in – we’re all part of a family.  And, truth be known – our family really matters to us.  There’s something special about family.  And yet so many people who believe in this Jesus – the Son of God – allow their families to fall into a state of disrepair.

In this series – Berni takes a practical look at the blessings that flow from Building a Godly Family  

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. The Blessing of A Peaceful Home

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Peace is one of those things – well, who doesn’t want peace in their lives.  Freedom from conflict.  But imagine, imagine what a blessing it must be, to have peace at home.  A family that …

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Episode 2. Husband and Father

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We men are a funny breed – we have the whole provider and protector thing going on inside us.  And you know something, if we know how to live that out in a godly way, we can be such a blessing to …

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Episode 3. Wife and Mother

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We think of men being the stronger sex and the Bible even talks about women being the weaker sex.  But some of the strongest people I know are women – and you women, your particular brand of …

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Episode 4. When Two Become One

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They say that what marriage is all about is two becoming one. It’s  a great theory but, well, as I heard someone say once, it’s the “becoming” that’s the problem.  That’s where the hard …

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Episode 5. Children and Honour

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Honour is not something that gets talked about a lot these days.  But Commandment number 5 out of the top ten is to honour your parents.  And it turns out that there’s a very good reason why …

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