... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Family – When Things Don’t Turned Out the Way You’d Hoped (1)

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Families are something we tend to take for granted. Most of us grew up in a family for better or for worse and many of us have started our own families. And yet as much as this whole idea of family is part of God’s grand plan, all too often, it doesn’t turn out the way we’d hoped.

So join Berni Dymet as he opens God’s Word to take a look at your family – through the eyes of God.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. God's Grand Design

Families.  They’re something we take for granted, they just exist.  Most of us were born into a family, most of us grew up in a family and many of us have started our own families and yet …

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Episode 2. It’s not an Easy Road

Family.  It’s something we take for granted.  See most of us grew up in a family and many of us has started our own and yet we all know that families are part of God’s grand design but …

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Episode 3. Imperfect People

See we know that this whole idea of family was God’s plan from the very beginning, we know that, but I tell you, doing family, being family can be so incredibly tough because families, yours and …

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Episode 4. The Mistakes Men Make

God has a real heart for families and for your family in particular but each one of us makes mistakes that damage family relationships, we just do, especially we men.  All too often we’re not …

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Episode 5. The Mistakes Women Make

Yesterday on the program we took a look at the three most common mistakes that we men make in being part of our families and today, today is the women’s turn.  What are the three most common …

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Brilliant, I would really like to walk away from my family at the moment, such awful lies have been spread about members of the fam from others in our family. And then I heard this talk… taking christ to the family in the way I act and react. I know the people who are spreading rumours do not follow our Lord anymore, which makes it hard. I am really praying for some peace to come to our dysfunctional family. Lord bring it on.

Hans Barroga

Spot on, as usual Berni, and right smack in a time of my life, this very day in fact, that I am in a middle of “LQ”

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