... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Having Faith that Moves Mountains (Pt 1)

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Faith is an awesome thing. To be able to rely on God for everything – all our needs. His provision. His comfort. His encouragement and support. And when things get tough, when there are obstacles in our road – mountains that we can’t seem to shift, no matter how hard we try – knowing that He is able!

It turns out that God loves faith. And the sort of faith that He wants us to have is the sort that moves mountains. And that’s what this four week series is all about – Having Faith that Moves Mountains. 

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. Starting at the End

Things get tough sometimes. We all know we need faith. We want to have faith. Yet all too often, we become downcast and afraid. We lose the plot, just when we need the sort of faith that moves …

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Episode 2. Exactly What is Faith

I know that faith and freedom both start with “f” – but did you realise that, well, that they’re two sides of the one coin. That no matter what our circumstances, faith sets us free from the …

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Episode 3. Time to Raise Your Gaze

Ever found yourself walking around looking at the ground, instead of all the beauty around you? We can go through life like that. So sometimes, perhaps right now – we need a wakeup call. Maybe …

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Episode 4. Strike that Out of the Bible

Jesus promised us that if we had faith just the size of a tiny mustard seed, we could move mountains. Crazy really, That couldn’t work – and so many of us decide to ignore that bit in the Bible. …

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Episode 5. No Man is a Total Loss

God tells us that we need to have faith. We think about that. And we get to thinking “Well, if that’s going to work with God – He’s perfect so my faith has to be perfect….Hmm It’s not. Oh …

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