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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Pain Relief for the Soul (Pt 3)

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Pain is a fact of life.  We don’t want to think about it.  We all hope to avoid it.  But I’ve never met anybody, who hasn’t experienced pain – physical, emotional and spiritual.  Yep – pain is definitely a fact of life!  And like every other part of our lives. God has quite a bit to say about pain.  

Both the self-inflicted pain that we cause through our sin, and the sort that’s completely out of our control.  The natural pain that comes from the death of a loved one … that sort of pain.  And when we bring God’s wisdom and God’s love to the problem of pain – awesome things start to happen.  

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. Different Folks – Different Strokes

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We’re all different aren’t we – different strengths and different weaknesses.  And sometimes, it’s those weaknesses that cause us a lot of pain – it’s kind of self-inflicted.  But is …

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Episode 2. The Achiever

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There are some people who are just achievers.  They seem to get things done – so we all look at them and think – wow, I wish I was like that.  But even achievers have weaknesses – areas of …

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Episode 3. The Encourager

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There are some people who are incredible encouragers.  We love being around them – they make us feel good about ourselves. But even encouragers have weaknesses – areas of immaturity that …

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Episode 4. The Teacher

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There are some people – they’re great life coaches.  Teachers, we call them.  And they can add so much value to our lives. But even these teachers have weaknesses – areas of immaturity that …

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Episode 5. The Carer

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There are some people who have a real heart for others – they care for us.  Great people carers. But even carers have weaknesses – areas of immaturity that sometimes cause them pain. So – the …

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