... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: God’s Abundant Blessings

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Who doesn’t want to be blessed? What a silly question – of course, we all want to be blessed, right?! Problem is what we mean by blessing … and what God means by blessing can end up being two entirely different things. Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit, blessed are those who mourn, blessed are the meek, blessed are …He had to be joking right? I mean how can you call that blessing? And come to think of it, who needs that kind of blessing?

So why don’t you join Berni in this series of Christianityworks, as he takes a look at what Jesus has to say about blessing.

Episode 1. God's Abundant Blessing

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I wonder if in your heart of hearts if you’re one of these crazies who, like me, want to follow Jesus. I wonder if in your heart of hearts when you hear that word “blessing” your …

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Episode 2. The Meek, The Hungry, The Thirsty

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I received an email from a woman in the UK the other day who’d been going through some really tough times, not just for a few weeks or months, but for years. And she asked me, “how come me? …

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Episode 3. The Merciful, The Pure, The Peacemakers

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Coming up on Christianityworks, we’re going to take a look at three types of people Jesus wants to bless – those who show mercy, those with a pure heart … and the peacemakers. God delights – …

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Episode 4. Living an Extraordinary Life

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Jesus always meant for us to live an extraordinary life. Now– that doesn’t always mean a successful one as we would define success – money, reputation – all those worldly measure. But a life …

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