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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: How to Get Close to God

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No matter who we are, We live in a world that moves by so quickly – somehow there doesn’t seem to be time for relationships. With family. With friends… let alone with God. Too many options. Too many things to crowd our ever shrinking attention spans. And yet, even in these times (perhaps especially in these times) in His great and mighty heart, God yearns to be close to each one of us. And even in these times, there are countless souls who yearn for the very same thing.

Episode 1. Blood Relatives

Sometimes God seems a million miles away. The idea of being close to Him seems impossible. And yet all along, He is closer than the deepest secret of your heart. Intimacy in This Day and Age Intimacy …

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Episode 2. God Sets up Home

Imagine living in the same place as God. I mean, imagine if God set up home, not just with you, but … in you. Well, that’s exactly what He’s done. Weddings are Wonderful, but … I just want to …

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Episode 3. In the Cut and Thrust of Life

Life moves at quite a rapid pace these days for most of us. And yet the amazing thing is that God is out there right in the middle of that cut and thrust with us. Don’t believe me? Well, stick with …

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Episode 4. A Love Letter from God

If God wrote you a letter, would you bother to open it? Would you read it? Would you turn His words over in your heart? Would it cause you to ponder His great love for you? Well, as things turn out, …

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