... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Who is Jesus?

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So often we think we know Jesus….and yet, He seems a long way off. And it turns out, we may know about Him – but really, we don’t know Him. You know what I mean. Well, in this exciting four part series leading up to Easter, Berni goes hunting around through the Scriptures – specifically the Gospel accounts – looking for Jesus. Who exactly is He?!

Episode 1. The Company Jesus Kept

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You can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep. So – what company did Jesus Keep and what does it tell us about Him. Join Berni Dymet, on Christianityworks as he opens God’s word and …

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Episode 2. Jesus Impacts People

Is Jesus still relevant today? I mean – here and now? Does He still impact people in this day and age. Join Berni Dymet, on Christianityworks and meet some really interesting people whose lives …

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Episode 3. A Dead Loss

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Let’s face it – we like winners. We want to hang around successful people. When Jesus was hanging on that cross – He looked like a dead loss. Join Berni Dymet, on Christianityworks as he opens …

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Episode 4. A Risen Saviour

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Imagine you watched Jesus die that horrible death on the cross. And then, on the third day you go to His tomb and discover it’s empty. What would you think? How would you react? Join Berni Dymet, …

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