... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: God Wants to Bless You

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On a scale of zero to ten, how much do you believe God wants to bless you? Not at all (0); a bit (3); yeah, quite a bit (7.5) or more than you can ever hope for, dream or imagine (10+)? Sometimes we’re afraid to ask for God’s blessing because it sounds self–serving. And yet God has untold blessings in store for your life. In this Series we explore what God has to say about His blessing in your life.

Episode 1. The Prayer of Jabez (1)

Question: Does God want to bless you, yes or no? It’s a very serious question because how you answer it, is probably the best indicator to tell you what you think of your God. So I’ll ask …

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Episode 2. The Prayer of Jabez (2)

You know, I used to think that getting things done in this world was all about having control. If I could just control this and that, then I’d be able to achieve X, Y and Z. But the older I get, …

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Episode 3. The Blessings You Really Need

Sure, God’s Word talks an awful lot about blessing. And yet when I tell people, ‘God wants to bless you’, most often I get one of two reactions: either, ‘Well, I’m not sure He’s really …

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Episode 4. No Blessing, No Fruit, No Results

How much impact is your life having on other people? Not bad impact, good impact? How much is the miracle of your life, creating miracles in the lives of others? Because if the answer is “not …

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