... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Your Road to Spiritual Victory

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One of the things that the Bible promises us over and over again, is spiritual victory. We aren’t just conquerors God tells us, but more than conquerors. Spiritual victory is one of the main things that Jesus died and rose again to give us. So why is it that so many Christians are living a life without that victory?

Join Berni Dymet this week as he opens God’s Word to discover God’s truth and put your life back on the road to spiritual victory!

Episode 1. A New Identity By Grace

On planet earth today, right at this very moment, there are around two-and-a-half billion people who call themselves Christians, but the vast majority of those aren’t living in the spiritual …

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Episode 2. All The Power You Need

Elite athletes don’t become elite athletes overnight. They discover a talent, and then they set about training and sacrificing, changing their diets, their whole way of life, just to win the prize …

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Episode 3. A New Life of Giving and Sacrifice

Many of those who call themselves Christians are not in fact living the life of victory that Jesus came to give them. Somehow the promise of victory isn’t happening in their lives. Something has to …

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Episode 4. Power & Victory for the Rest of Your Life

Suffering isn’t a subject most of us like to talk about or even think about but suffering is a reality in life and right in the middle of that not so pleasant reality I have some really good …

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