... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Message in a Bottle

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Here we are heading into this Christmas thing again – and for most of us, it’s a bit of a challenge just even to pay any attention to what it’s all about.

Every year – “ministers” exhort us to “remember the true meaning of Christmas.

Really?!  What is the true meaning of Christmas.  And is there anything about Christmas that makes a difference to my life for the other 364 days of the year?

Join Berni Dymet as he looks at Christmas – God’s message in a bottle.

Episode 1. The Shepherd Heart of God

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My hunch is that the whole Christmas thing began well before that starry night in Bethlehem.  A long time before.  Question is – how come God came up with it? Join Berni Dymet, on …

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Episode 2. Where Did the Baby Come From?

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Christmas – they talk about baby Jesus and Mary and Joseph – but this Jesus….is He who He says He is? Can Christmas really make a difference – I mean in your life and mine? Join Berni Dymet, …

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Episode 3. Jesus – The “Illegitimate” God

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These days, having a child out of wedlock is pretty much a valid lifestyle choice in many cultures. I’m not saying that it’s right, just that that’s how it’s perceived. But back in Jesus’ …

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Episode 4. Let Christmas Make a Difference

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When Christmas is done and dusted – what do you do with it?  Put it back in the cupboard with the decorations for next year – or let the message of Christian burn on in your heart? Join Berni …

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