... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: The Road to Contentment

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Contentment is something of a “Holy Grail” for many a person. Why can’t I be at peace? Why don’t I have that quiet, warm sense of contentment? Those are questions that many people are asking. And why not? After all, God places such a high value on bringing contentment into our lives.

The question is, Where do you get it? How do you get it?

Join Berni Dymet in this brand new series as he opens God Word to discover how you can get on the road to contentment.

Episode 1. Does God Want You to Be Content?

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Contentment is something that we would all love to have. Problem is, there are so many things that come at us from all directions, to rob us of that most valuable of commodities. Contentment. So … …

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Episode 2. The Road to Contentment

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We all want to be content with our lot and our lives. And it might surprise you to know that God places a very high value, a very high premium on contentment indeed. So – with all the stuff you …

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Episode 3. Girls, Gold and Glory

There pretty much isn’t a single person on this planet who doesn’t want to be content. And yet – there are so many things that can rob us of that most precious of commodities. And at the top of …

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Episode 4. Finally… Content

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Over the last few weeks on the program we’ve been talking about the road to contentment. And so in this next message, it’s time to really make the rubber hit the road. How can you move from …

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I absolutely love your daily verses and devotions so uplifting and just confirm s how great God is and how much I love him and love worshipping him. Amen