... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Wisdom that Works

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Wisdom is something that, on balance, we’d all like to have. Really. Problem is, it involves sacrifice. Sure it’s a great investment in our futures, even in the present – this thing called wisdom. But it costs us up front. And so many people ignore it and well, you know what they say. “As you sow, so shall you reap”.When we ignore wisdom, God’s wisdom – the sort of wisdom that actually works – when we ignore it, it has dire consequences. Join Berni in this 4 week series as he shares something with us that’s more precious than gold. Wisdom that works.

Episode 1. The Beginning of Wisdom

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Most of us intuitively know that wisdom’s a good thing. Some times we’re full of it – wisdom that is … and sometimes, we’re full of ourselves and that’s when we come unstuck. So …

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Episode 2. Trust, Truth and Temptation

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Well this week we’re kicking on with our second message in a series that I’ve called Wisdom that Works – looking at some of God’s mighty wisdom through the Book of Proverbs. And we’re …

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Episode 3. Things that God Hates

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God is a God of love and so we don’t often think about Him hating things. But He does – He clearly tells us so in His Word. So, what are the seven things that God hates … things that are an …

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Episode 4. The Blessing of Wisdom

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When I first started reading the Bible, it seemed to me that it was all about the things I had to give up – what I was going to lose. But what I discovered is that actually, actually God wants …

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Kellie Middleton

Thank you for this message.
Your messages as of late have been direct answers to questions I’ve raised with God this week. Confirmation, clarity direction how to get out of this rut.
They have given me strength & purpose to push through my circumstances.
This message in particular gave me a starting point with clarity.
I thank God for you and his message you deliver! please don’t stop!!

Carol Bayley

I found this to be very interesting and thought-provoking, Berni. You put it so well. In everyday terms which are easy to comprehend. Thank you, and keep up the good work. I think you’re great in helping spread God’s Word.


Thanks for Powerful Message on the things that God Hates Proverbs 6:16 . Made me take stock of my own life and repent of ny own errors! I know that God loves me enough to convict me and encourage me to do Good!

michelle nixon-welburn

Thank you these messages via video really bring home the truth. Jesus alive and ready at all times through the efforts of evangelism today. As once those very same efforts focused on me and now on others, and our lives together glorified in Christ Jesus.