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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Don’t Give the Devil an Opening

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Ephesians 4:26,27 When you are angry, don’t let that anger make you sin, and don’t stay angry all day. Don’t give the devil a way to defeat you.

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Not sure if you’ve noticed, but there’s more than enough out there in the world to keep us angry pretty much all the time. People, politics, circumstances, attitudes – you name it, it’s out there.

Anger often raises its ugly head when we’re under pressure. Someone looks at you the wrong way and, boom, you bite their head off. Of course, sometimes anger is warranted. When someone tells lies about you to others, are you entitled to be angry? Sure!

And let’s not forget, though He is slow to anger, even God eventually gets angry. But there are two things that we do in anger that we should never do.

Ephesians 4:26,27 When you are angry, don’t let that anger make you sin, and don’t stay angry all day. Don’t give the devil a way to defeat you.

When we don’t control our anger, its first act of dominance over us is to cause us to sin; to lash out; to take revenge; to fight fire with fire; to stoop down to the level of the one who caused it in the first place.

The second thing it does is hang over us for the rest of the day, and in some people, where unforgiveness grows into a root of bitterness, for the rest of their lives! And that just doesn’t make sense. Possibly the most influential person in your life is the one whom you refuse to forgive, right?!

And all of that opens a way for the devil to plunder your life and take you into a downward tailspin. Word of warning. Don’t give the devil an opening through your anger.

That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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