Growing Old Productively
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Psalm 92:12-15 Good people are like budding palm trees. They grow strong like the cedar trees of Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the LORD. They grow strong there in the courtyards of our God. Even when they are old, they will continue producing fruit like young, healthy trees. They are there to show everyone that the LORD is good.
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Download audio fileNone of us likes to see waste. I mean, it’s senseless, isn’t it? If you have something that could be productive, that could yield fruit, that could make lives better, then why would you possibly flush that down the drain?
I was taken recently by a newspaper article about a man in his nineties. Born in a small, inconsequential rural town, Everald Compton has lived the most extraordinary life. He helped free Nelson Mandela. He’s raised millions for charities to help the poor. He became wealthy without ever seeking wealth. He was the catalyst for building of a rail corridor to support his local farming community.
By any measure, he’s lived an extraordinary life. But he’s well into his nineties now. Time to slow down, right? Wrong. He still has big plans: “When I get out of bed every morning,” he said, “I always think I’m in front for having gotten out of bed. And then I think … what am I here for?”
Psalm 92:12-15 Good people are like budding palm trees. They grow strong like the cedar trees of Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the LORD. They grow strong there in the courtyards of our God. Even when they are old, they will continue producing fruit like young, healthy trees. They are there to show everyone that the LORD is good.
Sadly you see way too many people retire, simply to end up quietly cruising to their grave. What a waste of talent and experience!
And indeed, that’s not God’s plan. Because even when we’re old, we should continue producing fruit like young, healthy trees. We’re here to show everyone that the Lord is good. That’s what you’re here for!
And that’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.
Miss Wendy Finlay
I look forward to hearing from you. It encourages me every day.. And to know God loves me no matter how I’m feeling or what sort of day I’ve had.
May God bless and protect you and your team as you preach Our Gods word
Thank you
God bless.