Receiving the Right Sort of Criticism
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Proverbs 15:31 To be counted among the wise, you must learn to accept helpful criticism.
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Download audio fileAs we observed yesterday, there are two equal and opposite forms of criticism that we face in our lives – the sort that seeks to tear us down, and the sort that builds us up.
Yes, there are people who want to discourage you, delay you, throw you off your game. They exist in your life and in mine. And the best way to deal with them is through discernment. If you wouldn’t take advice from someone because of what you know of their character or their outlook, then why oh why would you accept their criticism, right?
But often times, criticism is delivered with the best of intentions by people who care for us – even if sometimes it smarts. Even if sometimes, they don’t handle it all that well. Even if their criticism seems judgemental, or their timing’s off, or it just feels as though they’re getting in our road. Sometimes the tone in their voice or the look on their face just puts us off accepting any wisdom they may have for us. So, what to do, eh?
Proverbs 15:31 To be counted among the wise, you must learn to accept helpful criticism.
Again, it comes down to discernment. It’s not so much about whether or not we feel like taking delivery of their criticism, or the fact that it pricks our sense of pride, or that it may not have been delivered all that well. The key question of whether or not to accept criticism from them sometimes is this: is it helpful? If I listen to this, will it make a positive difference?
After all, to be counted among the wise, you must learn to accept helpful criticism.
That’s God’s Word. Fresh … for you … today.