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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Righteousness and Love

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Proverbs 21:21 Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honour. (NIV)

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The process of maturing as an individual has a lot to do with balancing opposite forces in our lives – holding them in tension, if you will – so that we bring them into play at the right time, in the right way.

There’s a time to build things and a time to pull them down. A time to hug someone and a time to let them go. A time to laugh and a time to cry.

And there’s also a time to be right and a time to soften our approach in order to show love, even when things aren’t right, even when that other person is downright wrong.

Why are we talking about this? Because in this day and age, where the truth seems up for grabs, everyone’s shouting out their truth, demanding that people ascribe to their version of things, without showing much love.

Now, of course the truth is important and it’s important for us to seek it – to be right. But every morning when I go to my digital news service which aggregates news from trusted sources around the globe, I’m struck by how loudly people are shouting, and how few are listening, and how almost none are showing love and respect.

Proverbs 21:21 Whoever pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honour. (NIV)

There’s a lot of self-righteousness going around these days and precious little love. It seems to be one or the other – mostly the former rather than the latter.

But God wants us to have both – righteousness and love. And when we find the equilibrium between those two often conflicting forces in our lives, He promises us a dividend: life, prosperity and honour.

Righteousness and love. That’s God’s plan.

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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