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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

The Lord is Eternal

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Psalm 90:1,2 My Lord, you have been our home forever and ever. You were God before the mountains were born, before the earth and the world were made. You have always been and will always be God!

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You and I, we live most of our lives dealing with the day-to-day minutia. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, that’s just how life is. But here’s the risk: that we end up buried in the minutia and lose sight of the big picture.

So, what are you going to do – today, tomorrow, the next day? Probably the same thing you did last Monday, last Tuesday, last Wednesday. That’s how it goes. And amidst the humdrum of life, every now and then someone or something throws a ball at us from left field that strikes us in the solar plexus.

Okay, we deal with that, get up, dust ourselves off and keep going. Life, after all, goes on. And day by day our gaze becomes fixated on the here and now, draining us of our joy, our hope, our faith, our love.

So today … join me so that together, we might gaze upon heavenly things.

Psalm 90:1,2 My Lord, you have been our home forever and ever. You were God before the mountains were born, before the earth and the world were made. You have always been and will always be God!

Oh wow! Hallelujah. From before time began and beyond the end of time without end, God is our God. He has been, is, and will forever be our home, our refuge, our Saviour, our joy. Our God is eternal and greatly to be praised. Does He care about the minutia of our lives? Is He involved?

The answer is a resounding yes! So as you go about your day today, tomorrow, the next day … hear Him speak this wondrous truth into your heart:

I have always been and will always be your God!

That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.

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