... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Reaping the Harvest of Righteousness

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It’s easy to imagine that following Jesus is all about keeping a bunch of rules. Some days it does feel like that. That word they bandy about “righteousness” gives you that impression. And in the end, it is about doing right. But it’s the beginning that matters. Because righteousness is a free gift from God. And that’s the bit that makes all the difference! Join Berni in this powerful new series – because we’re meant to reap the harvest of righteousness!

Episode 1. The Grapes of Wrath

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God is an amazing God. A loving God. But there’s a side to Him that we don’t like to think too much about. It’s the angry God. The God of judgement and wrath. But if we don’t get our mind …

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Episode 2. It's All About the Harvest

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God’s Word talks about the harvest of righteousness – and if you’ve ever lived in a farming community you’ll know that harvest time is a time of huge celebration. So this harvest of …

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Episode 3. There's the Good News and the Bad News

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You know for years before I met Jesus, I’d hear Christians rabitting on about the Good news of Jesus. Give me a break. But it wasn’t until I heard the bad news that I realised how fantastic the …

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Episode 4. Laying Hold of Your New Life

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Jesus talked rather a lot about slavery on the one hand, and freedom on the other. If you’re a slave, freedom is a big deal. Now He was talking to you and me – still is. Because this whole …

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Maria McCloskey

Thanks so much for your message about Gods forgiveness & being a light in the darkness. It really touched my heart & truly inspired me to follow Him closely & be a light in the darkness myself.
You are truly blessed in your ministry!
Thank you for all that you do to help others & me!

I have followed you for a while now on Christian Premier Radio & I will continue to read your wonderful messages here.

God bless you richly,



I love this write-up Sir, your words help a lot in renewing my mind, it calms my mind and it makes me still, thank you for paying the price to study the word of God and draft out this powerful teachings and writings.
God bless you and your team.

Ellen Johnston

I love having these devotionals, I will think about what I’ve read all day. I love Bernie’s view on things.

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