... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Learning to Set Boundaries

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Setting boundaries in our lives is incredibly important. Most arguments, most wars begin because someone’s stepped over someone else’s boundary. But not all boundaries are good boundaries. What we need is the wisdom to put the right boundaries in the right places with the right controls.

So join Berni Dymet in this latest series, as he opens God’s Word to discover how to set the right boundaries in your life!

Episode 1. Boundaries – Heart and Mind

There’s nothing worse than when someone treads on your toes. You know, they get in your space, they tread on your toes, and what you feel is something between discomfort, anger, and fear. See, …

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Episode 2. Boundaries – Truth and Behaviour

Truth is a concept that is very much up for grabs these days. I mean, you would think that truth is absolute – like in a court of law – you examine the evidence, you come to the truth. But these …

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Episode 3. Boundaries – Relationships

Work is one of the most important things we can do. It brings dignity to who we are. It gives us a chance to use our God-given gifts and abilities, and of course it puts food on the table. But work, …

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Episode 4. Boundaries – Generosity and Love

Over the last few weeks on the program, we’ve been talking about setting boundaries in your life. Not all boundaries are good boundaries. We have to set the right ones in the right places with the …

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