... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: The Joy of the Lord Is Your Strength

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The big mistake we make in this life is that we think that happiness and joy are the same thing. They simply aren’t. Happiness relies on our circumstances, and they can change, from good to bad, in an instant. Joy on the other hand comes from God, and He is the same, yesterday, today and forever.

So join Berni Dymet in this latest story, as he opens God’s Word to discover that the joy of the Lord … really is your strength!

Episode 1. God Wants you to Enjoy Your Life

Okay. We’re kicking off a new set of messages this week, so here’s a new question for you to consider: On a scale of 0 to 10, how much are you enjoying your life? No, really, I’m serious. How …

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Episode 2. How to Get the Joy of the Lord Back in Your Life

So, where do you get your joy from? Where do you go to get your strength? How do you get what you need to cope with the challenges and the pressures of life? It seems to me that there are two …

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Episode 3. The Thief Comes to Steal, Kill and Destroy

It would seem on the surface of things that joy and suffering are incompatible, and yet when God talks about joy, His joy in His Word (the Bible), more often than not He talks about joy in the midst …

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Episode 4. A Powerful Path to Joy

What if I told you that there was something really simple, so simple almost that you’d laugh at me, something simple that you can do to lay hold of the joy of the Lord in your life – anywhere, …

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Am in dark place st present n said to the Lord only yesterday “there is no joy in my heart” help me to find it n strengthen me” Today I came across your teaching on exactly that n boy has it blessed me. Answered prayer! Thank you so much. X

Berni Dymet

Thanks Valrie. It’s a privilege and a blessing for us to be able to share the Word of God with you and so many others each morning. 🙂 -Berni

Louise Tweedale

Hi ? thankyou and bless you, may the Almighty God’s light shine in all you do and say. Joy to the world! Love in Jesus Christ the Lord, from Louise


love this program in the morning on my way to work

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