... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Don’t Waste Your Life

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For so many people who believe in Jesus, there is a yawning gap between the life that Jesus promises, and the life that they’re actually leading. The compelling urgency of just eking out an existence, making it through today and the next day, takes our eyes off the plan that Jesus has for our lives. And it’s all too easy to get to the end, and look back on a wasted life. What a tragedy that would be. And in any case, God doesn’t want you to waste your life.

So in this latest series, Berni opens God’s Word to discover how to lay hold of God’s amazing plan for your life.  

Episode 1. God’s Incredible Plan

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Few of us ever give too much thought to the fact that God has gone to a lot of trouble to make us who we are today. To get us ready for what He has for us to do. But let me tell you, God has gone to …

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Episode 2. You are Called to Be and Do

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Most of us believe in some sense of destiny, some sense of calling.  Of course that’s all well and good in theory, but in practice, life just seems to grind on and the reality is that most people …

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Episode 3. Comfortable and Safe

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Most of us, most of us aren’t thrill seekers. Most of us don’t go bungy jumping or parachuting, or rocketing around a racetrack at a hundred and fifty miles an hour. And so, most of us, well, we …

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Episode 4. Crunch Time

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Life is full of decisions. Big decisions and small decisions. We make all sorts of decisions dozens of times every day. From the insignificant to the life–changing. But there is one decision that …

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