... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: My Redeemer Lives

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Most of the time, when it comes to this whole Easter thing, the bit we remember most is the bit where Jesus died on the Cross, to pay for our sin. And that’s certainly a powerful thing. But let’s not forget that Jesus was also raised from the dead. Your Redeemer lives. And when it comes to living the new life that God has in store for you, that’s just as important. Your Redeemer lives! 

Join Berni Dymet this week on Christianityworks as He opens God’s Word to discover the certain hope and the newness of life that God has in store for you! 

Episode 1. A Light at the End of the Tunnel

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Suffering is not a lot of fun is it. Nobody looks forward to suffering, and yet, it’s pretty certain that storms will hit. Well, when they do, there is a confidence that God wants you to have in …

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Episode 2. The Hope of Easter

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A life without hope is a life that, frankly, isn’t much worth living. If you’ve ever been there, you’ll know what I mean. At Easter, we focus on that bloody Cross, as well we should but often …

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Episode 3. Your New Life

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Sometimes it can feel that our lives are in a rut and nothing is ever going to change. Ever been there? I have. But the Bible tells us that the whole point of Easter, the whole point of that cross …

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Episode 4. The Meaning of Suffering

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None of us likes to suffer, and yet, suffering is as certain in life as the sun coming up tomorrow. One day the storm will hit. When it does, the question is, how do you make sense of it? What’s …

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