... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: The Art of Living (Pt 1) 

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We pay a lot of attention to a lot of things – but how we live our lives, isn’t generally one of them. Many people know that perhaps something isn’t quite right, something’s hurting, something’s robbing them of contentment and fulfilment … but very few ever go beyond the symptoms to the disease.

In this series of messages – Berni does precisely that. He in effect holds up a mirror to our lives and challenges us to look at the ordinary, everyday things from a different perspective – so that each one of us can, in our own way, end up living an extraordinary life. The art … of living.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. Weighing Up the Past

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Here we are at the beginning of a brand new year – a year full of hopes and dreams and possibilities. But the truth is, we can’t lay enjoy the present or lay hold of the future, until we’ve …

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Episode 2. Are You Happy with Your Life?

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On average, if you ask people – on a scale of 0 to 10 – how happy, how contented are you with your life, they’ll give you a six. Six out of ten! Is that any way to live the one life you’ve …

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Episode 3. Is Your Life Drifting?

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Most of us get up every day and live out the same old, same old day after day. And whilst we might have a few niggles here and there, we really don’t think too much about it. And that’s why many …

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Episode 4. You Can’t Juggle Chainsaws

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Most of us have 3 or 4 key things in our lives that we’d like to change. A problem relationship. Perhaps something at work or our finances. And the mistake people often make is they try to change …

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Episode 5. By the End of the Year …

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Most people are pretty good at telling you what’s wrong with their life – come on, we don’t mind having a bit of a whinge. But those same people, often, aren’t very good at doing anything …

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