... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: The Art of Living (Pt 3) 

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We pay a lot of attention to a lot of things – but how we live our lives, isn’t generally one of them. Many people know that perhaps something isn’t quite right, something’s hurting, something’s robbing them of contentment and fulfilment … but very few ever go beyond the symptoms to the disease.

In this series of messages – Berni does precisely that. He in effect holds up a mirror to our lives and challenges us to look at the ordinary, everyday things from a different perspective – so that each one of us can, in our own way, end up living an extraordinary life. The art … of living.

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. Who’s in the Driver’s Seat?

Question – would you let a lunatic into the driver’s seat of your car? Answer. Probably not. Driving’s a serious business. So … can I ask you who’s in the driver’s seat of your life. …

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Episode 2. What’s Driving You

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Question – what motivates you to get up out of bed every day and do the things you do? And secondly are those motivations resulting in the sense of contentment and fulfilment that you’re looking …

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Episode 3. If It’s Broken, Then Fix It!

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We’ve all heard that saying – if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Fair enough. But sometimes that’s a cop out. Sometimes we use that to dodge the fact that something is broken in our lives. …

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Episode 4. Running Out Of Steam

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Doesn’t matter how much we enjoy doing what we do, at some point, we all run out of steam. At some point we all want to turn back and head on home. But if you know in your heart of hearts that …

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Episode 5. A Change of Direction

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At some point in life – we all experience major disruptions. Everything’s going along fine and then – BANG – something happens and life will never be the same again. So, is that a threat, an …

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