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Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: The Incredible Father Heart of God (Pt 2)

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Jesus, when He began His public ministry started saying something about God that was completely radical – many thought … heretical. He started calling God, His father. Outrageous. But my hunch is that He wasn’t setting out deliberately to annoy people – He was setting out to tell us what God is really like. Like a dad.

So come and join Berni Dymet – has He explores … the incredible Father heart of God. 

Also available to listen on:

Episode 1. A Father’s Generosity

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One of the things that we dad’s pretty much like to do whenever we can – is to be generous to our children. We want the best for them, right – we want to lavish our love on them. Well – if …

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Episode 2. A Father’s Affection

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Remember when you were a child and you fell over and skinned your knee – the thing we needed most back then was the affection and the reassurance of one of our parents. And even now – when …

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Episode 3. A Father’s Attention

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These days kids seem to have more than they ever had before – at least in the western world. But with all the technology and affluence that’s increasingly coming their way … well, there’s …

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Episode 4. A Fathers Acceptance

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We all do dumb things in life – we all do. And sometimes, those dumb things result in alienation from other people – broken relationships. Rejection. But fathers, well, there’s something …

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Episode 5. A Father’s Hope

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God’s Word says that love believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things – and it turns out that since God is love, since God’s our Dad, turns out that that’s exactly what His love …

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