... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Don’t Miss God’s Opportunities

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Life is a journey with a whole bunch of ups and downs. Sometimes it feels like one long roller coaster ride. But God has this habit of placing a dream in our hearts, a calling if you will. And that dream gives us a new set of eyes, to see things from God’s perspective. That dream helps us identify God–given opportunities along the way. But so many people miss out on God’s opportunities. What a tragedy. So join Berni Dymet in this series to help you see those God–given opportunities.

Episode 1. Dreams that Point the Way

As you look back on your life so far, it might amaze you to think about the huge changes in direction that your life’s taken, based on seemingly small decisions that you’ve made along the way. In …

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Episode 2. When Things Go Awry

The official statistics tell us that there are around 20 million slaves in the world today. Unofficially, the experts tell us it’s closer to 100 million. Staggering. But forget the statistics. …

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Episode 3. Stepping Out in Faith

There are times in life when opportunities seem to have passed us by. You’ve done all the right things while travelling that hard road and yet still, things just don’t seem to turn out your way. …

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Episode 4. The Greatest Challenge of Them All

Last time on the program, we talked about the fact that one of the best ways to discern whether an opportunity that’s before us is God–given or not, is to consider the fit between our natural …

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Louise Tweedale

Thankyou and thank God for all life changing twists and turns sand and split second decisions of life. I am glad to think that God has a plan for me. I don’t want to miss what he has in store for me.

Diane Nikfar

Right on target with the encouragement and sound teaching I need to hear. THANK YOU,for your integrity,godly wisdom, and transparency. God be with you, and bless you for what you have done.

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