... helping you be all that God made you to be, because He plans on shining His light into this world through you.

Berni - ceo, Christianityworks

Series: Unlocking the Power of Prayer

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So often, we see things happening in people’s lives and we feel so helpless.  

‘The problem’s so big, so daunting….I can’t possibly make a difference. I guess if all else fails I could always pray.’

But that’s not what God’s Word teaches at all.  When we pray in secret – though we might just be a single voice amidst a sea of complacency – that prayer rises up to God.  Prayer is our opportunity to join hands with God to bring His healing power to bear – across the globe, or in a single life. 

There’s unlimited power in prayer – because we pray to an unlimited God!

Episode 1. Bridging the Communication Gap

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Communication – I mean real, meaningful communication is becoming harder to come by.  Technology lets us be more connected – but somehow, we communicate less.  With people, and with God… Join …

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Episode 2. Teach Me How to Pray

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It’s really interesting you know.  We don’t have any record of Jesus teaching His disciples to preach.  Instead what we have, is a record of Him teaching them how to pray … Join Berni …

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Episode 3. Praying with Power

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Sometimes – we go to God and we ask for power for this and that.  But if you believe Jesus and Paul – instead of praying for power, we should pray with power. Join Berni Dymet, on …

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Episode 4. What Can I Ask for?

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Every now and then we can stumble across those verses in the Bible where Jesus says you can ask for anything and it will be given to you?  What did He actually mean by that? Join Berni Dymet, on …

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