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雅各书 3:17 惟独从上头来的智慧,先是清洁,后是和平,温良柔顺,满有怜悯,多结善果,没有偏见,没有假冒。
Listen to the radio broadcast of 从上头来的智慧
Download audio fileMost of us, in an honest moment, would admit that we’re not as wise as we’d like to be; that we have more to learn to become the sort of person that intuitively we know God wants us to be.
Over the last few days we’ve been chatting about godly wisdom – humbly doing good day after day, and devilish wisdom – selfishness, jealousy, boasting and the like.
There’s such a stark contrast between those two, both in Scripture and in our own hearts, our own lives. So today, I’d like to sit down at the table next to you and feast on more of God’s wisdom. Would you like to join me? Would you like to be filled from the top of your head to the tip of your toes with wisdom that comes down from above?
Well, here it is. Receive it into your mind, your soul, your spirit – for the Word of God is alive and active:
James 3:17 But the wisdom that comes from God is like this: First, it is pure. It is also peaceful, gentle, and easy to please. This wisdom is always ready to help people who have trouble and to do good for others. This wisdom is always fair and honest.
Were you and I consistently to live out the rest of our lives in that wisdom, my goodness … how different our journey would be; how much richer our relationships would become; how much more those around us would see Christ in all that we say and do.
So here’s the challenge: meditate on that one verse in your time with the Lord each morning for the next week. Apply it to your life thoughtfully, day by day, and watch to see what the Lord will do in you and through you.
That’s His Word. Fresh … for you … today.